Our capital stock is composed of 1,606.2 million shares, which 281.2 million are Class A shares, with 5 votes per share, and 1,325 million are Class B shares, with 1 vote per share.
Members of the Escasany, Ayerza and Braun families are our principal shareholders, who through EBA Holding are the holders of our class A shares, representing 17.5% of our capital stock and 51.5% of our voting rights.
Our class B shares are listed on the BYMA (Bolsas y Mercados Argentinos), the Cordoba Stock Exchange, and the Electronic Open Market, while ADRs (1 ADR represents 10 Class B shares) are listed on the Nasdaq Capital Market in the United States.
Our stock is included, locally, in the MERVAL index and, internationally, in the Standard & Poor’s and Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) indexes.